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    This semester was unlike any other, classes online where you zoomed in to learn. Some things were excused because it was a possible truth. Students having the ability to cheat on their tests, turn on/off their cameras, unmute/mute to participate, everything was placed in the palm of our hands. We have to take the initiative to want to learn and participate. Some of those students who didn't attend their class and have done their work were held accountable for their own grades and the opportunity to pass the first-semester classes could slip through their hands if they didn't grasp it fast enough. 

    However, this course was made easy for us because our instructor had respect and faith in us, the students, that we would do things that made us feel comfortable enough to all respect the teacher in return. This course gave students a chance to freely express what we thought then and there. From the minute of mindfulness at the beginning of class to the talks about how we felt and thought about the chapters we've read/listened to, this course gave us a chance to get a feel of a class where my peers and I could speak our minds and not be treated as kids who have to learn how to filter through our thinking.

    Something that I found the most meaningful from my experience in this course so far, has to be the explanations of what the hidden meanings in the simple stuff we never really pay attention to. From symbolism to how the authors express their feelings and creativeness into words, it was something I never really thought of before. Because of the internet, I was shown a path of literature and how others express their emotions, thinking, imagination, etc.) and in all honesty, I was intrigued by it all. From this course, I was able to gather more ways that people could be creative. Sometimes, I do things without me knowing and when I do look back on it, I see that I don't do things without a reason behind my actions. This was possible for me to do because of certain things I learned in my English class. 

    What I am most proud of, is my newfound ability to put certain thoughts in words that may or may not hold meaning to them. I am proud of that the most because although I do have to watch what I say, I can think it through and still be able to express myself and put it into words others would understand. By not fully filtering my thoughts I could form different ways of how to put what I thought into things that have a reason for being let out from the chambers of my mind. With this ability, I now would be able to utter the most random thing, but instead of it being in vain, it would clearly express my thoughts.

    Sure, there are things I would have done different, but because I didn't, I got to where I am. Somethings I could have done differently would be finishing the things I had started, being more clearer when I was explaining stuff, and put more effort into them. By finishing the things I've started, I would have had more time to myself to reflect on issues that concern me helping strengthen the skill of being more honest with my thoughts. If I were more clearer when explaining certain things, I'm sure that I would have the people around me look less confused. And lastly, by putting more effort into the things I've done, I know for sure that for the most part, I could have been well off in the creativity department.

     From this course, I learned that by having a conversation without completely letting my emotions overtake them I can maybe see and understand what the other person's perspective is on a topic. I am more than certain that I will use this to display my many levels of competence. Because of this newfound skill, I will be able to lead a better example of how people should act regarding the topic of debates and arguments. Without a doubt, I will be sure that I pass this on to my siblings so that they can also succeed in their own verbal quarrels.

    There are many ways that you can interpret certain texts. This semester, from this English course three texts have been constantly on my brain. LES MISERABLES, THE  RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION, and RICHARD CORY.  For me, the way I interpret the bishop in LES MISERABLES is through characterization. I know that the Bishop speaks highly of God and acts accordingly to his beliefs and to me, his character shows through indirect characterization. In THE RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION, I know that the literary technique used by the writer was denotation because the author was not even sugarcoating the facts. The author was using direct meaning to explain that some of the rights people believed to have weren't even rights that they did. Finally, the text that was on my mind the longest, Richard Cory. I believe that the author of RICHARD CORY used theme as his literary technique. Although it did take me quite some time to decipher what it was. I think the writer used theme because although the main character was portrayed as a joyful and an overall nice person, he wasn't mentally okay. 



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