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1. Please describe three examples of symbols you encounter in your life.
A stop sign, a traffic light, and a red cross on a building.  The red cross meaning a hospital, a stop sign at the end of the street, and a traffic light to signify who goes next. 

2. Please describe two possible meanings of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock in The Great Gatsby.
Maybe like a traffic light,  it means that you are wh0 goes next for your next adventure/journey. Or it can mean that it is time for you do go ahead and do what you think is right in your case.

3. What are some ways people are similar to animals?
-we want to make a family so they continue the human race with others 
-we teach the young ones to do what they need for their survival
-we also get angered once loved ones get injured hurt

4. What is the one major way people are different from every other animal, including other hominid species?
-we have more ways of creating innovations to make things easier for us.

5. How does telling stories -- and inventing symbols -- empower people to organize in large numbers?
Storytelling can help us understand what morals we might have to follow and sometimes it's from experiences (memories) that might or might not be fun to yell others.


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