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M M S pt 2


1. What is the difference between a sign and a symbol? 

-The difference between a sign and a symbol is that a sign is telling you something that will happen and a symbol is just telling you what something represents.

2. What are the three elements of the symbolic relationship (the "blue triangle of meaning")?

-Three elements of the symbolic relationship are thought, symbol, and a referent. 

 3. Is a word a sign or a symbol? Why?

-A symbol. A word is telling something, almost like a story or instruction. It is telling you what to do, an example could be a stop sign at the end of a street, it represents an action you must take.

 4. Describe one natural sign that you've seen in the world.

-One natural sign I've seen in the world is when you are about to puke. your mouth releases this certain liquid indicating that you are about to barf out your guts (not literally but, you know what I mean)

 5. Describe one symbol you've seen in the world. What (referent) did it stand for? How did you know what it meant?

-One symbol I have seen in this world is the way colors are expressed. Oftentimes at funerals the color black represents death and at weddings the color white represents purity.


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