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E S S A Y on the right to our opinion

 Prompt: How can arguing and giving up any "right" to our own opinion save our lives, improve our country, and secure the future for the next generation?

Keeping to Yourself


Do you think giving up your “right” to your own opinions and being able to argue can eventually make the world a better place and save lives for many generations to come? Keeping your words to yourself and not expressing how you feel might just change everything. Many say they cannot put their thoughts into words, so why not say them at all? If we kept our opinions to only ourselves, there would not be any arguments, only people with different thoughts. I can just imagine a world where many people are working to improve our government, save our lives and moreover, create a safe and secure environment for our future generations, but could it be with or without arguments?

Not being able to express disagreement may be okay with some people because they like to keep to themselves, others look for an argument to prove that they are in the right in their case. In other words, they are in the search of finding their truths. If we all decide that we want to argue about our beliefs on a certain topic then, certainly we can think about the other's point of view and try to understand them. Of course, we'll have the occasional delusional people who always believe they can never be wrong, who will do anything to be heard loud and clear. THOSE people believe that they are entitled to their own opinion and we have to agree with them.

One thing I can say is good about speaking against something you don't believe in, would have to be when someone speaks of lies. Like for instance, when our OWN president doesn't even believe in climate change and the educated people are just confused out of their minds. How does that even-? I don't know, was our president supposed to be educated? Or? What happened? So yes, even though we aren't entitled to our opinion we aren't obligated to go and listen and agree to what another person has to say. 

In these times, instead of taking people's disagreements with what we believe and retaliate with frustratation, we can listen and see what is the point that they are trying to make us see. With this ability of thinking outside the big picture, the amount of positive changes will outpass the negative if we can all just come to an agreement collectively on a topic. By working together we can create great things.




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