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LES MIS #1; The Good and The Bad

 So, I've just heard the first chapter of Les Miserables and I find it kind of interesting that the author put the dessert before the veggies. Usually, in a book the author makes something bad before it becomes good, but that's usually fiction. Most of what I read during the summer was like that and I've enjoyed them; yes, I did read a few stories that were more realistic than the previous ones, and those were the ones that really had me on the tip of my toes because of how much they captivated me with the reality of things. By the looks of things, I'm pretty sure that Les Miserables is going to be like that, and to say I'm a little bit excited would be an understatement. I like the way the author was like, yes they have a good life, but after the revolution, it all went downhill. 

-peace out


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